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Bodymind Therapy





61 years old, CEO Manager
6 months of Bodymind Rebalancing

"For more than 60 years now, my bones and joints have been carrying me around, more or less satisfactorily or poorly. Standing at 1.93 m and weighing 116 kg at best times, mostly sitting, is certainly not easy. Hereditarily predisposed to arthritis, slight bow legs, and various surgical meniscus injuries. Gonarthrosis grade 3-4.

25 years ago, I was already advised to undergo surgery with the help of osteotomy, and for the last 10 years, I have been annually recommended to replace one or both knees with artificial knee joints. At the end of 2020, after consulting with clinics again, I decided to undergo surgery at the beginning of 2021. Then came Corona, uncertainty in healthcare, etc. I took this as an opportunity to make one last attempt without surgery...

Enrico took me under his wings. Diagnosis, analysis, roadmap. And: It works. I lost 15 kg, changed my diet, and significantly reduced (inflammatory) meat consumption. Well motivated thanks to his mental support. My body and muscles are soft again. Sometimes the treatment is quite painful, the muscle stretching, but it helps, also thanks to his guidance on home training.

Conclusion: My knees are still defective, and the arthritis will not heal. But: I can walk pain-free again, even go for longer walks. And I have postponed the surgery for now, maybe even longer! And that is already a great success. A big thank you to Enrico."

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