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Bodymind Therapy Berlin - Nora Vladiguerova
Nora Vladiguerova
Wellness Massage from Woman to Woman

I am Nora, a dedicated masseuse specializing in wellness and relaxation at Bodymind Studio Xberg. As a trained dancer, I have developed a deep understanding of the intricacies of the human body. Knowing the transformative power of massage, I aim to facilitate relaxation and regeneration.


Through my training at Bodymind Therapy, I have honed my skills to meet the individual needs of each client. My focus is on wellness massages tailored specifically for women, creating a place of calm where they can relax and recharge.


Join me on Saturdays at Bodymind Studio Xberg and let's embark on a journey of holistic wellbeing together.


Discover my range of treatments

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